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Future Plans for the Cooksville Community Center

Future Plans for the Cooksville Community Center

We are working to make the community center accessible for young and old. Two major projects that we are exploring:
  1. Handicap accessibility
  2. Updated playground
If you would like to help us fundraise for these efforts, please contact us at info@cooksvillecc.com


About one-third of the early settlers were from New York state, another third came directly from New Englend - Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. The rest were from Pennsylvania, England, Scotland and Ireland.



We are working to make the community center accessible for young and old. Two major projects that we are exploring:
  1. Handicap accessibility
  2. Updated playground
If you would like to help us fundraise for these efforts, please contact us at info@cooksvillecc.com


About one-third of the early settlers were from New York state, another third came directly from New Englend - Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine. The rest were from Pennsylvania, England, Scotland and Ireland.



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